Thinking how is it possible ?
it's very simple.
dog's nature is to show obedient to his master, whether the master is a good person or bad person or cruel person or kind person or helping person,..........,
for this that master should give food for the dog, that's it it shows his obedience for life long
similarly few famous gods( not God) gives you what you wish ( good Job, nice wife, big bungalow, etc,...) whether you are good person or bad person or cruel person or kind person or helping person,..........
for this service from god we will offer some money, our hair,....,

one more comparison is if you reverse the alphabets dog you will find
dog ----> god ---> dog
so both are same
what you say?
if we don't get this service from god then these gods can't be famous, so if god is famous means our wishes will be fulfilled

for more quotes this please see this blog http://chindianquotes.blogspot.com/
PS:- These Jokes are created by the owner, not coped from any whereSend Free SMS
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